Peer Model Program


¡La lista de espera de Modelos Pares 2024-2025 ya está abierta! 

Liiska sugitaanka Model 2024-2025 hadda waa furan yahay! 

To Enroll Your Child for the 2024-2025 Peer Model Program Click Here 

Please DO NOT enroll on our district website or do anything else until you hear from us! 

Para inscribir a su hijo en el Programa modelo de pares 2024-2025, haga clic en  Aquí 

Por favor NO ¡Inscríbase en el sitio web de nuestro distrito o haga cualquier cosa hasta que tenga noticias nuestras! 

Si aad u diwaangeliso ubadkaaga 2024-2025 Program Model Feer Guji  Halkan 

 Fadlan HA SAMAYN Isku qor boggayaga degmada ama wax uun samee ilaa aad naga maqasho! 

For questions, please send an email to:

Kim or call 



 Peer Model Information

Peer models are an important part of our program as children learn not only from adults but from watching and interacting with each other. Peer models are exposed to a positive and supportive environment that promotes self-confidence and appreciation for diversity among people. Peer models are accepted through an application process.

All children will be actively involved in learning through hands-on experiences. Self-help skills will be promoted to build each child’s independence. A daily gross motor or gym time develops small and large muscle development and coordination. The SWCS Preschool Program is a language-based preschool that promotes literacy and pre-readiness skills for school.  Our play-based curriculum focuses upon encouraging child development in the areas of communication, cognitive, social-emotional, motor and adaptive skills.

Our program has two sessions: A.M. 8:30 - 11:15 and P.M. 12:15 - 3:00, Monday - Thursday and typically observes the South-Western City Schools school calendar.

Peer Model Enrollment Criteria and Procedures

The criteria for peer models is as follows:

Priority is given to:

For questions, please send an email to:

Kim or call 
